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Można ustawić ilość kolumn na każdej pozycji menu, a także umieścić moduły w środku. Disqus integration Disqus users can easily comment DJ-MediaTools gallery items VirtueMart integration Virtuemart Products can be used as a source of DJ-MediaTools gallery Albums. Оно замечательно заполняет все дыры в других расширениях. Creating a new slider theme is very simple. How to create smooth scrolling effect See how to set the smooth scrolling for your slider. DJ Tabs is a powerful Joomla tabs and accordion extension with WCAG 2.

Decide how many columns per each menu you want to have, what modules, icons and effects and use them in your menu items. New mobile button options Display mobile menu button in 3 different ways: icon, icon and text, or text only. Vertical Menu Version 3. There are no limits! It means that you can add anything you want to the menu from custom HTML to any module. DJ Mega Menu is highly configurable, and it brings many handy features as well. Thanks to the color customizer you have the option to create unlimited variations of the menu. There are also two built-in default themes available! The DJ Mega Menu is also available in the free lite version. Joomla Mega Menu Features You can choose between: - the sticky menu, - animations, - menu layouts, - dropdown directions, - columns width - and many effects 30 to choose from - Choose the speed and delay time of closing the menu. Using CSS3 animations There are many CSS3 animations available is also allowed, as well as deciding on the drop-down direction or making the menu to open on click or hover. The mega menu solution is 100% responsive and mobile optimized. You can even choose when the menu should change to mobile view. You can enable or disable support for keyboard navigation with tab key and arrow keys! Mega Menu Tutorials Full-width submenu and percentage columns' widths See how to set the submenu of the first level menu item to be 100% menu wide. How to set modules in the off-canvas of DJ-MegaMenu? Discover how to create and publish module in the off-canvas of DJ Mega Menu How to display multiple columns with modules and headings in submenu? See how to display any module in the submenu. Color customizer in DJ Mega Menu This feature allows customizing the look of your menu. See how to do it. How to display module position in DJ-MegaMenu This tutorial shows how to set a Joomla module as the submenu in the mega menu. DJ Mega Menu Off-canvas effects explained Watch the video describing how off canvas effects in Mega Menu works. Bootstrap Icons in DJ Mega Menu See how to add a Bootstrap Icon to Menu Item Font Awesome on DJ Mega Menu Discover how to add Font Awesome Icon to Menu Item How to set DJ Mega Menu to open items on-click DJ Mega Menu allows you to set the menu items to open on-click instead of hover. How to display multiple columns in submenu? Displaying multiple columns in the submenu is very easy - follow the mega menu tutorial. How to create a new menu theme? You can quickly create a new mega menu theme. Check this tutorial article. How to add the second line to the menu item? There are two ways to add subtitle to the menu item. Read more about them. Why DJ Mega Menu Options tab isn't displayed in menu item settings? Learn how to display additional option tab for mega menu How to add the icon to menu item title? Adding icon to menu item title is core Joomla! Feature - learn how to do it. How to display module inside the menu column? See how to publish module inside DJ Mega Menu. Changelogs DJ Mega Menu ver. Das Menü ist sehr einfach anzupassen - eine saubere CSS-Datei, die erlaubt einfache Erstellung von benutzerdefinierten Designs. Kopieren Sie einfach und bennen das Standard-Theme um und Sie können loslegen mit den Anpassungen der Farben, Schriftarten, Abmessungen usw. Das Modul bietet Ihnen eine breite Palette von Möglichkeiten, um ein Menü einrichten zu können. Selbstverständlich ist das Menü responsiv und WCAG Section 508 konform, um eine barrierefreie Webseite zu realisieren. Można ustawić ilość kolumn na każdej pozycji menu, a także umieścić moduły w środku. Menu jest bardzo łatwe do stylizacji - jeden jasny plik css - i pozwala na proste tworzenie niestandardowego motywu. Wystarczy skopiować i zmienić domyślny motyw i jesteś gotowy do zmiany kolorów, czcionki, wymiarów itd. Moduł daje szeroki wachlarz możliwości, aby ustawić menu tak jak to konieczne. Jest także zaprojektowane z myślą o urządzeniach przenośnych więc znajdziesz wiele przydatnych funkcji mobilnych. What is a DJ Image Slider? The slider gives the possibility to create an unlimited number of groups and slides and present them anywhere on the website. Created slides can be organized in unlimited number of slideshow categories and each category can have an unlimited number of slides. It slideshow adapts to all screen sizes! It also offers a swipe navigation handling for touch screens. What about slider effects and slider customization options? The Joomla slideshow comes with a huge number of usefu sliderl features. Check more of them listed below: Easy slider backend control panel. Easy listing and adding categories groups. Each slide can be customized. Module settings allow setting the Slider source, Slider type, slider theme, and image. The description box can be customized. We need to add that DJ Image Slider is an accessible slideshow component and it follows latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG. The accessibility is very important issue when it comes to using the slider by people with different disabilities and older people, or these living in developing countries. The accessible slideshow is essential for many website visitors using keyboard navigation. Also the people who are distracted by movement can pause a slideshow or if they need more time to read something, they can pause a slide, and find a while to understand the displayed content. You can enable or disable support for keyboard navigation with tab key and arrow keys! The free slider extension offers many language translations of the slider read below for more info! Tutorials DJ Image Slider offers a tutorial section where users may find many articles, related to this free slideshow extension. Take a look at the list of available slider tutorials: How to add DJ Image Slider module to the content Discover how to publish DJ Image Slider module inside your content. Fx-Transitions See the list of the available slider effects along with the graph of how they work. How to create smooth scrolling effect See how to set the smooth scrolling for your slider. How to link slides to external URLs Linking slides to external URLs in DJ Image Slider is not a complicated issue. DJ Image Slider doesn't work after update from ver. Follow the quick step by step guide. How to create a new slider theme? Creating a new slider theme is very simple. Just follow few steps. How to make a continuous loop? Continuous slider loop is not available in DJ Image Slider. But you can use another slideshow extension. How to change the background color of the description box? Changing the background of a slideshow description box can be achieved only via css modifications, but this is simple fix. See how to do it. See how to use them. How to get the slides to fade like on demo page? See how to get the effect of slides to fade like on the slider demo page How to redirect images to external links properly? DJ Image Slider videos Although our slider does not have video tutorials section, there is a DJ Image Slider user Movies playlist. Watching the slider videos you can learn: How to load banners on the website General orientation to DJ Image Slider How to manage DJ image slider component? Changelog DJ Image Slider - slideshow ver. The component can be used as a shop, because of the shopping cart feature introduced in the latest version! DJ Catalog2 offers now the e-commerce functionality! Directory component integrates with the site's template and design. It also has a multilingual and RTL support. With DJ-Catalog2 you can create almost any directory website. There are no limits! You can add the directory catalog functionality to the existing website or build a complete directory website from scratch. DJ-Catalog2 directory extension comes with many features needed for successful directory website! Build great, fully featured directory in your Joomla site easily with DJ-Catalog2! Frontend management Users can manage directory listings from the frontend. DJ-Catalog2 directory extension also comes with flexible Joomla ACL support. There are many possible ways of setting the output of the DJ-Catalog2 directory extension. You can assign different outputs to directory categories, menu items, and even single directory product. This fantastic directory component comes with two independent responsive ready themes out of the box default and bootstrapped. SEO DJ-Catalog2 gives the possibility to build a directory for many branches Business Directory, Product directory, Movies directory, Wedding Directory etc. Extra fields Users are able to create field groups for different types of directory products and group extra fields. Import option DJ-Catalog2 directory component gives the possibility import from. Administrator can review queries in DJ Catalog 2 directory extension control panel. Locations With DJ Catalog 2 directory solution you are able to display directory products on Google Maps. Each user profile as well as directory product can be assigned to location and then searched on map. Premium Apps There is a first premium app for DJ-Catalog2 available: Ajax Filters App It provides the fastest way to filter the results in DJ-Catalog2. No need for the reload of the browser, just dynamically loaded results. Tutorials DJ Catalog 2 has an extended directory extension tutorial section where you can find many thematic articles, and learn more about the directory component. These tutorials can be for beginner and advanced users as well. See the complete list of available directory component tutorials: How to manage invoices? How to enable preview popup See how to display product specific details directly from list of products page - without leaving it nor being redirected individual single product page. How to change CSS or layout files See how to create an own theme as the solution for changes in DJ Catalog 2 directory extension CSS code Translating DJ Catalog 2 fields using Localise translation extension See how to translate DJ-Catalog2 directory extension parts editing language files without FTP access. It is highly advised to do so. How to resize images? Check how to resize images in DJ Catalog 2 directory extension. How to change DJ Catalog 2 Pagebreak plugin format There are three different methods of displaying DJ Catalog 2 directory extension pagebreak plugin available. When I attach a file to a product and try to download it I get this error message: 403 - You are not authorised to view this resource See how to set the permissions correctly to allow your guests to download the files. I like the idea of tabbed interface, how does it work? How to use PageBreak in DJ Catalog 2 Tabs can be created in product's full description editor. See how to create each tab. How to change image ordering in DJ Catalog 2? See how to change ordering of the images in DJ Catalog 2 directory extension and display different image as a first image in the catalog. Video Tutorials DJ Catalog 2 directory extension for Joomla comes with a set of useful video tutorials. We recommend to watch these videos and discover some useful DJ Catalog 2 features. There will be more directory extension videos. DJ Catalog 2 - Query cart functionality explained Instead of asking about each product separately customer can put bunch of products to a cart and send a query. All queries are stored in database. In fact you can use as it as simple ordering system as well. DJ Catalog 2 - Frontend Submission This Video Tutorial explains how to setup frontend submission in DJ Catalog 2 directory extension. Integrations DJ Catalog 2 directory extension offers many integrations, which has the positive impact this directory extension's possibilities. Falang integration Integration with Falang integration gives the possibility to translate installed gallery extension elements like albums or items. Artio Joomsef Add SEO support for DJ Catalog 2 directory extension. DJ-MediaTools plugin Allows to use DJ Catalog 2 directory extension Items as a source of DJ-MediaTools Albums Joomla User Profile plugin Allows to add additional information to user profile Joomla! Search component Allows to search inside the DJ Catalog 2 directory extension content JLexReview Allows to review,rate and comment DJ Catalog 2 directory extension items. Komento Plugin Allows your to comment on directory extension products items. Disqus plugin Allows users to comment directory extension items. FB Comments plugin Allows Fb users to comment directory extension items. JComments plugin Allows users to comment directory extension items JoomFish plugin Allows easy and immediate management of multilingual texts. Translations The directory Joomla extension comes with multilingual translations in: English Polish Spanish Bulgarian Japanese German Italian Portuguese-Brasil French Hungarian Russian Chinese Farsi Dutch Turkish Danish Portuguese We regularly update and expand the number of the DJ Catalog 2 directory extension translations. Changelog DJ Catalog 2 eommerce extension ver. Support for multiple VAT rates and VAT rules. Support for 3rd party Payment and Delivery plugins Product details popup - preview ReSmush. Fixed calendar custom fields not working on Joomla! Fixed minor compatibility issues with Joomla! The second image will be displayed as hover effect. It is now possible to display producers with images and description. Issues with file uploader with Joomla! Fixed errors with Canonical URLs being generated in the previous 3. DJ Catalog 2 directory extension ver. It is a huge change, so please backup your website before updating and make sure that your template will not conflict with other jQuery scripts. Also pay attention to overridden layout files, because many of them have been modified. Built-in Licence Manager has been improved. User DJ Catalog 2 plugin - we added workaround for User Registration bug introduced in Joomla! Related Items module can now display no variants. Finder Smart Search plugin has been fixed as it was causing problems while indexing child products. Falang integration files have been fixed. User DJ Catalog 2 plugin - we added workaround for User Registration bug introduced in Joomla! DJ-MediaTools is a responsive gallery and slideshow extension for Joomla that mix both functionalities! It gives the possibility to create photo galleries and slideshows quickly! This versatile and highly customizable Joomla gallery component comes with many powerful features. First of all, you can choose from 9 available gallery and slideshow layouts and show your images or videos locally stored or Youtube or Vimeo, Dailymotion, MetaCafe, Liveleak, Yahoo movies. Available layouts you can display each album in any layout you need, all pictures or images in the gallery or slider of your choice will fit automatically no metter which one is chosen : - Gallery Grid - Masonry - Slideshow - Slideshow with thumbnails - Tabber - Modern Slider - Slider - Kwicks Panels - Skitter layout - Nivo layout Multi uploader You do not have to add image by image, but upload them at once and quickly change the ordering drag and drop feature. Responsive and touch ready! As mentioned before, DJ-MediaTools gallery component is responsive; it means it works perfectly on different devices desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobiles. Images and pictures optimization for better performance DJ-MediaTools provides images optimization images in the gallery are automatically scaled the and presented in the best resolution keeping it as low as possible , watermarks option and easy to use CSS3 animations and effects. A lot of-of them! It uses the resmushit engine to optimize images! Create the gallery or slider album right from the component in backend or live when creating an article. Thanks to integrations with other extensions, gallery images can be taken from different sources: - Joomla articles images from the articles can be displayed in the gallery or slideshow - HikaShop display product images as a gallery or a slideshow - DJ-Catalog2 product item images can be displayed as a gallery or slider - Facebook use facebook comments for each item in the gallery! Some of them are: - Unlimited Albums and gallery items, - Speed settings, - Continuous Loop for sliders, - Friendly admin panel, - Beautiful gallery layouts. DJ-MediaTools gallery component offers many language translations read below for more info! This collection of gallery tutorials, guides, and tips is highly recommended for beginners but also for advanced users as well. We still publish new articles, stay up to date! Check the list of available gallery component tutorial articles: How to set front-end album submission You are able to allow users of given group to create or edit gallery albums. Learn how to use front-end gallery album managing feature. How to use Masonry album layout See how to use the Masonry layout in component view and in a module - it can be very useful feature when you want display a gallery but do not want to crop included images. How to create full-width slider in DJ-MediaTools? Displaying the slideshow on whole window width in not a complicated task. Check how to do it. How to display events from DJ-Events as a DJ-MediaTools album Display DJ-Events as an gallery album in DJ-MediaTools is easier than you think. Just follow few steps presented in the article. How to add locally stored video to DJ-MediaTools Check how to add Video to the custom item in the gallery album. How to display galleries in DJ-Classifieds adverts with DJ-MediaTools layouts Display galleries in DJ-Classifieds ads view using any of the available gallery layouts. How to use FaLang with DJ-MediaTools See how to translate DJ-MediaTools gallery content elements to any language you need. Recipe - How to create gallery right from the regular Joomla article with DJ-MediaTools Read how to create and insert images gallery from the regular Joomla article. Video tutorials DJ-MediaTools site contains a video section. They should give you a good start. Create Galleries from Joomla! Article Learn how to create and add the gallery to the Joomla! An article in a straightforward way without leaving the article itself. Automatic Thumbnails of YouTube and Vimeo movies Video thumbnails management is an important feature - thumbnails can be automatically pulled from Youtube or Vimeo and used in the gallery and slideshows as the main images. Virtuemart products support The Virtuemart plugin is a result of Joomla gallery and VirtueMart integration. It gives you the control over displaying VirtueMart products. Display galleries in DJ-Classifieds adverts view with DJ-MediaTools layouts. See how to configure and display the gallery in DJ-Classifieds adverts view using prepared layouts. How to apply watermarks This video shows how to apply watermarks to DJ-MediaTools gallery. Integrations DJ-MediaTools comes with several integrations, which improves the extension's flexibility and allows the interactions between the gallery component and other Joomla extensions. Joomla articles The integration plugin allows to set Joomla Content as a source of gallery component albums. HikaShop HikaShop Products can be used a source of DJ-MediaTools Gallery Albums. DJ-Catalog2 This plugin allows to use DJ-Catalog2 Items as a source of DJ-MediaTools Gallery Albums. Facebook FB Comments allows Facebook users to comment DJ-MediaTools gallery items. K2 integration K2 extension items can be used as a source of DJ-MediaTools gallery Albums. EasyBlog integration The integration plugin is able to display EasyBlog items. It means they can be used in gallery albums. DJ-Classifieds integration Using this integration plugin is the best way to insert DJ-Classifieds ads as a source of DJ-MediaTools gallery Albums. Disqus integration Disqus users can easily comment DJ-MediaTools gallery items VirtueMart integration Virtuemart Products can be used as a source of DJ-MediaTools gallery Albums. Joomla SobiPro integration Thanks to the integration plugin users can set SobiPro as a source of gallery albums. JComments integration Thanks to an integration with JComments users are able comment DJ-MediaTools gallery item views. Falang integration Integration with Falang integration gives the possibility to translate installed gallery extension elements like albums or items. Translations It is important for us that our Joomla gallery extension is easy to use for every user, so we offer multilingual translations in: - english - polish - french - italian - german - czech - danish - portuguese - russian We constantly expand the number of the gallery component translations available. Changelogs DJ-MediaTools Joomla Gallery version 2. It's a powerful classifieds tool for building the classifieds section on your website. This classified ads extension is suitable to create any type of classifieds. It does not matter if you want to create general ads section, job listing, real-estate ads, dating portal or city portal classifieds. DJ Classifieds classified ads extension comes with many useful features. Your classifieds can bring you extra revenue by monetizing the many options available to users. This extensions offers advanced search module flexibility and provides a highly configurable locations setup. You are able to set the unlimited amount of custom fields. Get the whole community engaged on your site, with auction selling options that make it a smooth and efficient service, for both buyers and sellers. Easily customize the layout of categories into a blog and table view, and even in the advert details view as well. DJ Classifieds classified ads component has a built-in slider which gives the possibility to display classifieds in an attractive way! Each user or advertiser can access a personal panel to manage ads. DJ Classifieds users can add images and video urls from Youtube or Vimeo It also offers many free modules - you can build your classifieds website easily and quickly. DJ Classifieds works with many 3rd party Joomla extensions and it offers premium apps - you can add extra functionality to DJ Classifieds allowing to use extra features. Some of the DJ Classifieds classified ads extension features: Auctions Buy now feature Watermarks Email templates HTML5 geolocation option to edit ads by unregistered users multiupload Search in defined radius from Post Code. Now user can search classifieds only in certain distance from his place. Possibility to display extra fields in category table or blog view. You can choose if you want to make separate column for a filed in table view or if you want to display all extra fields in one column 'additional info'. Possibility to disable adding adverts to certain category. You can use this feature to force your users to posting ads in subcategories not in main categories. For example in 'vans' instead of 'cars'. Jomsocial integration plugin included Community Builder integration Easysocial integration Responsive templates support Payment plugins - Payment plugins allow you to charge for classifieds with different payment methods. Types - Types are like additional categorization for adverts. Durations - If you want to charge different price for the amount of time the advert is published you can add unlimited durations. Monetize - Place any banner, or adsense ad in different module positions inside the component! There are planty of module positions inside the component that you can evaluate for your promotional or other purposes. Locations - Highly configurable locations setup. Set country and almost any location scenario country-state-city , or country-city-suburb-street etc , Works with google maps module, Unlimited locations Categories - Unlimited categories, Categories with images, Display amount of adverts in category, Individual rates for category you can charge for posting into certain category , Restrict category to certain usergroup Extra fields - In DJ Classifieds you can set unlimited set of custom fields to fit them into business areas your site will advertise. Added correct Itemid for profile links in buynow list on User adverts view. Resolved problem with sorting in user adverts view. Resolved problem with reset link in Search module. Resolved problem with profile links in single advert page. DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver. Resolved problem with single advert link added to Joomla menu. Resolved problem with Notices in new advert durations select. Added images to Search Alerts notification email. Resolved problem with missing item description tags in abuse report. Adding support for translating custom fields in blog and table views. DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver. Resolved problem with redirection to payment when using free promotions. Resolved problem with inherit of blog view layout. Remember latest parent region while creating new region in administrator Resolved problem with displaying of unpublished categories in Multicategories APP Profile link and avatar in blog view. The parameter to disable Administrator notification about advert Renewing. Possibility to restrict durations for categories. Terms and Conditions checkbox in payment page Adding to favorites on adverts list. Verified Seller Cache for categories disabled by default Cache for regions disabled by default User notification email after new points assigned by administrator Resolved problem with favorites view and 404 redirections. Resolved problem with extra images price calculation Added SSL protocol to PayPal payment plugin confirmation URL. Resolved problem with adverts displaying in the specific region. Field contact used when searching by word. Resolved problem with blog view on subcategories and subregions Resolved problem with displaying images in DJ-Classifieds Items module on mobiles. Deleted old promotions price in administrator promotions view. DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver. DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver. Resolved regions problem with Users expired Subscription Plans Resolved problem with links to new advert, user adverts etc. Resolved problem with user profile and files Attachments Resolved problem with missing theme library in module DJ-Classifieds Regions Select DJ-Menu is a suckerfish menu with animated mootools effects. Responsive ready - works with mobile devices as Select Menu! Now, you can easily manage whether the menu is animated or just scriptless css drop-down. This menu has the unique feature preventing your submenus to open beyond your site's width! For those who don't need complex form builders. In most cases, the simple email form is enough. Responsive and nicely designed with popup function. Sometimes you don't need complex form component. In many cases, it's enough to send the message from the site right to the email address. Users don't need to click I'm not a robot anymore! DJ LikeBox is a Joomla Facebook module purposed for displaying a FaceBook Fan Box, Facebook events, Facebook Messenger on the website. This Facebook module is very easy in use, because you do not have to look for the Facebook API key, but enter the url address of your Facebook Fan Page only. Of course there are some Facebook module settings to configure. All you need to do is choose the best place on the website to display Facebook widget - it can be a Joomla module position or single article and place the like box facebook module there. What can you expect later? For sure many new fans following your Facebook page. You should know that adding the Facebook feed widget on your Joomla site can quickly improve a number of fans you get to your FaceBook page and get more likes and Facebook followers. Latest FaceBook Fan Box module version is 3. Facebook module features DJ Like Box Joomla FaceBook module meets the latest Facebook standards - new Facebook API. There are also some useful features, allowing to customize the Facebook Feed widget easily! All features that you will find in latest Facebook API are also configurable in the module. Currently you can choose between three Facebook tabs. You can combine them all or choose only one. They can be set as the Facebook widget where users can switch between tabs or choose one or two features it will handle. Available tabs are: Timeline - displays the tab with news feed from your Facebook page Events - displays the Facebook events published on your page Messages - lets the visitors to contact you via Facebook Messenger For example - DJ LikeBox can be used to display only the Facebook Messenger placed on the web page to let your users easily contact you. These can also be Facebook Events or Facebook Newsfeed only or all of them combined. Summarizing, you can create the unlimited number of DJ-Likebox FaceBook module instances and use them for completely different purposes in different areas! FaceBook Fan Box module documentation section Like every extension we provide, DJ Like Box Facebook Fan Box module comes with an extended documentation section where you can learn more about: Installation DJ-LikeBox Facebook module DJ-LikeBox Facebook system requirements DJ-Flyer allows you to display items with thumbnail images and short description + the long description with the big image or now also a video that opens in lightbox. The main feature is that the user can switch on fly between category items and their descriptions and link it to Joomla articles or use a custom link. Thanks to a module you can create large amount of combinations to display all the great items you prepare. This extension is intended to be used as nice presentation of your business offer for example restaurant menu. CHANGELOGS DJ Flyer version 3. The Joomla plugin passes WAVE and AChecker tests for WCAG compliance! It works with: - Articles - EasyBlog 5 - DJ-Classifieds - K2 - Zoo - DJ-Catalog2 more extensions will be added soon - can also display modules. It shows up smoothly when website is scrolled to the bottom offset. It works as smart pagination encouraging user to stay on your magnificent website. Loads fast and ready for responsive sites with special styling for smaller screens. DJ Tabs is a powerful Joomla tabs and accordion extension with WCAG 2. There are two main layouts available - you can use tabs or accordion view. However, there is also a combined way possible. If you are displaying articles form defined category - the accordion list of articles will be shown on the tab! Going further to the customization you can add the custom icon font awesome to each tab, and customize the whole tabs or accordion view by using the theme customizer or one of the 12 predefined themes! Each of them can be easily configured and offers different options so that you can set everything depending on your needs. There are also many other useful features that can come to your mind as a need once you start using any tabs extension. For example, you can create an URL that will point directly to the tab of your choice. You can set the starting tab and decide which tab will be opened first when the webpage is opened. Read more below to learn more about them. What kind of content can be displayed in tabs or accordion? The possibilities are huge - from the single article, through articles from a specific category to modules. There are exactly six types of items that can be used: - Module position - you can display any Joomla module of your choice in the tab or accordion. This is a very powerful feature. Imagine you can display for example Latest news module in one tab, popular articles in the second tab. This way you can create a nice sidebar widget for your website with the most interesting content. The possibilities are endless. Items can be grouped into categories. You can set the unlimited number of groups and items. Each instance of DJ-Tabs so any number of DJ-Tabs modules or DJ-Tabs menu items can display items from the different groups! Another fantastic feature of this tabs Joomla extension is the possibility of creating an own theme by using a simple editor creator, theme builder or use one of 12 predefined, included themes. DJ Tabs comes with a huge flexibility - there are a lot of parameters to set if you want to go deeper into the settings. For example, you can choose whether the content in tabs should include images or not. You can also set the tabs animation speed, select a type of tabs' trigger to open them on click or mouseover set articles' ordering, create article's images thumbnails and much more! Like every extension we provide, DJ Tabs offers an extended documentation section where you can learn: - How to make a DJ Tabs installation - Discover tabs component options - How to create tabs groups - See available options for an item - The full list of options available in the tabs configuration - How to displays Tabs or Accordions on your website in 3 ways. Jump quickly to: - Items particular tabs and make adjustments to them. You can create or edit the groups by naming them. Later you assign the items to the groups. Imagine a group as a list of the particular tabs. Creating a new theme is a great way to make the tabs to fit into your website or event part of your website. Tabs Tutorials Joomla tabs extension documentation includes a tutorial section where you can find many thematic articles, and extend your knowledge about Joomla content tabs. This collection of tips related to tabs is recommended for every DJ Tabs user. See the list of available tabs extension tutorial articles for this moment: How to set a starting tab for a menu item Learn how to set the starting tab in the menu item. How to set a starting tab for a module There is the possibility to set the starting tab in a module. How to link to specific tab You can set a link that directs to appropriate tabs. How to put more than one tabs or accordion to article You can display tabs or accordion in your Joomla content using modules. See how to set accordion or tabs anywhere in the article. Translations of DJ Tabs The Joomla tabs component offers multilingual translation for different languages: English German Russian Slovenian Portuguese The number of language packs for Joomla tabs is dynamically expanded. Changelogs DJ Tabs ver 1. You can also import events from JEvents! This way they can inform other users about interesting events from your area. Use advanced ACL to set permissions for each user group. Google maps support Because of the Google maps support, you can display events exact location on the map. The location of your events is a very important thing! Tags Add the unlimited number of tags to your events and allow users to find them easily during the search. Recurring events Define when your events take place. There are no restrictions related to end date. Images and videos You can do more than add events description. Upload images single or multi upload ar e available and create events galleries. You can also play a video from YouTube or Vimeo. Flexible modules DJ Events offers useful modules: - Events search module - Events calendar module - Events tags module Tutorials DJ Events Joomla events extension currently comes with only one thematic article. It can be a good source for DJ Events users. How to display events from DJ-Events as a DJ-MediaTools album You can display events from DJ Events extension as an album in DJ-MediaTools. See how to set up this integration. Integrations DJ Events Joomla events extension offers currently only one integration - with DJ-MediaTools, which has the positive impact on this events extension's possibilities. It allows showing upcoming events in a slideshow or gallery view. Translations The Joomla events extension comes with multilingual translation for the Polish language. We are looking forward to expanding the number of the DJ-Events Joomla events extension translations. Changelog DJ-Events Joomla events extension ver. You can easily display the sports results in various ways. DJ League comes with a simple control panel where you can quickly jump to the needed functionality. You can also add teams. DJ League modules The Joomla sports extension offers useful modules: - Games schedule module - Score table module Translations DJ League sports extension comes with multilingual translations for two languages: Polish language pack for DJ League Russian language pack for DJ League We are planning to expand the number of the DJ League sports extension translations. This is related with function addIncludePath of JModel and that K2 system plugin doesn't use prefix as a second parameter of this function. In result the path to K2 models is added only to global prefix where all other paths are also added usually after K2 path. Consequently getting the instance of the model include the item. Our K2 fix plugin adds the models path with K2Model prefix what fix major problems with proper working of K2 modules with other extensions. It shows up smoothly when website is scrolled to the bottom. For article suggestions it possible to define follow category option suggest article only from the current category , filter categories or set ordering to find article relative to the current one. You have control also over description and you can set character limit. It works as smart pagination encouraging user to stay on your magnificent website.

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